
Written in the Margins of Ginsberg’s “Why I Meditate” There are 10,000 reasons to meditate (at least) There are 10,000 beings to save (for starters) There are 10,000 demented states of consciousness to purify (carpe…

The Reading Life/2

By the Blue Light of a Cell Phone by Katie Consamus Dr Chmiel, I just flipped on CNN after getting home from rehearsal and immediately thought of our encounter on New Year’s Eve as I…

The Battle of the Gods

Zainab al-Ghazali, Return of the Pharaoh: Memoir in Nasir’s Prison Translated by  Mokrane Guezzou Our goal is reformation and not sabotage, edification not destruction.  Zainab al-Ghazali Nawal el-Saadawi may have met her match in Zainab…


How to Live Jesus had his students Dipa Ma had her devotees Joanie French has her students Jesus sat with people Dipa Ma sat with people Joanie  helps people to sit without pain Jesus placed…


It Was Love at First Haiku Maria told me to contact you When you were fresh back from El Salvador And perhaps needing another shoulder to lean on After re-entering this meshugah militarized greed culture…

Wartime during Life/2

November 12, 2007. Smithfield, NC.   After Reading Levertov’s Poem on the 1972 Christmas Bombing for Andrew Wimmer and Suzanne Renard Haven’t you had a similar fantasySure, a different decadeA different civilization now being destroyedDifferent…


Before Class In the School of Revolutionary Mindfulness When students arrive early to class No smart phones are anywhere to be seen In the minutes before class begins Students and teachers are sitting Breathing calmly…