Keeping Their Language Alive
Joseph Leftwich, Great Yiddish Writers of the Twentieth Century The writer wakens you, the reader, he rouses you out of your indifference, he shows you the things you had not seen before, he makes your…
Joseph Leftwich, Great Yiddish Writers of the Twentieth Century The writer wakens you, the reader, he rouses you out of your indifference, he shows you the things you had not seen before, he makes your…
Merriam-Webster: “n: coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground darkly roasted coffee beans” Gabriela Keator: “n: a vocational calling. A thing that sparks immense joy” For the majority of my life, I forced myself…
With luddite pipe dreams, I struggle in general with living in an increasingly technological, frenzied, and noisy world, and in specific with taking my first year of graduate classes on Zoom. In the midst of…
Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Oneworld Publications, 2007 This is a profound meditation on truth, unpalatable as it will be for many supporters of an expansionist Israel. Pappe cuts through the decades of Nakba…
This page is part of my book, Dear Love of Comrades, which you can read here.
Harold : Maude.Maude : Hmm?Harold : Do you pray?Maude : Pray? No. I communicate.Harold : With God?Maude : With life! I invite you to join us for an unusual summer writing experience. Many people are…