Why Did All Those People Die?

W. D. Ehrhart, The Madness of It All: Essays on War, Literature, and American Life [2002] This is a collection of the Vietnam veteran and poet’s prose pieces up till 9.11.  Some are quite short…

Check out Matt Taibbi on Substack

For the past year I have been a supporter of Matt Taibbi’s project, TK News, on Substack. Here’s a recent paragraph from his “Democrats Swoon Over George W. Bush, In Match Made in Hell”– A…

Say Yes!

Wednesday 22 September 2021 Dear J, It was energizing and inspiring to spend two-and-a-half hours with you yesterday at Hartford Coffee!  I want to share a bit more with you about one of the books…

A Pair/1

Sunday Afternoon Sitting outside at Stella and Bella’s CafeThe Presidential debate two hours awayReading Su Tung-P’o’s bamboo poemWill Clinton deliver the knock-out blow?On my ballot, I’ll write in: Chuang Tzu Dharma Brother Wang Wei Devoted…