Yoga Sutras Exchanges with Yael

Concentration, meditation, and pure contemplation focused on a single object constitute perfect discipline. 3.4—Barbara Stoler Miller, translation of Yoga Sutras Notes/Connections 1.Ekāgratā, noun, Sanskrit.  One-pointedness, doing only one thing at a time, concentrating upon a…

“Concentration Is Consecration”

Yulia and I are meeting weekly to discuss Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. I found the following insightfulg passages from Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood’s translation. 1.2  Yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind.  1.13 …


I first met Thuy Khuu in 2006 when she took my Social Justice class at Saint Louis University.  Born in Vietnam, she moved to the US at the age of eight with her family.  Beginning in…

An Odious Comparison?

Norman Mailer once related a story he came across: Somewhere around the turn of the century, Chekhov visits Tolstoy. He takes the train to the nearest station. Let’s say it’s wintertime. He rents two horses…

Yoga Sutra Journal by Yael

Yael invited me to join her in a reading/discussion of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. We talk via Zoom or email each other on Friday mornings. The following is part of the first reflection she shared with…