
I am not Orthodox, nor am I religiously dogmatic, and my anti-secular views are very far from any proselytizing tendencies. But I am a son of Hillel Zeitlin and a grandson of great-grandfathers… the God-experience…

Know Your Purpose

By refusing to distract himself from the main task, by jealously guarding his energies for what really mattered, [Arthur] Waley was able to produce his vast corpus of work. Title is a key theme in…

From Antigone to Thich Nhat Hanh

Teach us to care and not to care…T.S. Eliot, Ash Wednesday Over the years when reading Sophocles’ Antigone, I tended to see her as the conscientious heroine, standing alone against her uncle Creon, the brutal…

Today’s One-Liner (#29)

In my mind there are three things: concentration, loving-kindness, and peace. –Dipa Ma, in Amy Schmidt, Dipa Ma: The Life and Teachings of a Buddhist Master 

Today’s One-Liner (#28)

Few people want to be saints nowadays, but everybody is trying to lose weight. ––René Girard, Maxim #30, in All Desire Is a Desire for Being: Essential Writings, edited by Cynthia L. Haven.

Today’s One-Liner (#26)

Dogmatism buckles under pressure from reality. –Nellie Bowles, “The Failure of San Francisco,” in Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History