Today’s One-Liner (#31)
They learn everything, except the art of learning. –Dorothy Sayers, The Lost Tools of Learning
They learn everything, except the art of learning. –Dorothy Sayers, The Lost Tools of Learning
Teach us to care and not to care…T.S. Eliot, Ash Wednesday Over the years when reading Sophocles’ Antigone, I tended to see her as the conscientious heroine, standing alone against her uncle Creon, the brutal…
We tell ourselves stories in order to live. –Joan Didion, The White Album
In my mind there are three things: concentration, loving-kindness, and peace. –Dipa Ma, in Amy Schmidt, Dipa Ma: The Life and Teachings of a Buddhist Master
Few people want to be saints nowadays, but everybody is trying to lose weight. ––René Girard, Maxim #30, in All Desire Is a Desire for Being: Essential Writings, edited by Cynthia L. Haven.
Old age ain’t for sissies. –Ida, via George, personal acquaintance
Dogmatism buckles under pressure from reality. –Nellie Bowles, “The Failure of San Francisco,” in Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History
The Stoics would always say, one must think death is imminent, but it was less to prepare for death than it was to discover the seriousness of life. Marcus Aurelius, for example, as a Stoic,…
It is a good idea, then, to keep in touch, and I suppose that keeping in touch is what notebooks are all about. –Joan Didion, “On Keeping a Notebook,” in Slouching towards Bethlehem Sao Paulo,…
“You have to write your own history, nobody’s going to do it for you.” –Allen Ginsberg, quoted in Anne Waldman, Beats at Naropa