If Only It Were So

6 North Coffee Corner of Sarah and Laclede Coming in from a windy day Sitting in a booth Magan Wiles across from me Our eyes meet The wheels start turning The words come tumbling


Friday night, I sent the following message to Katie Consamus: Isn’t acting one of the most demanding practices you could ever imagine?! Do you ever  stand back in awe at what you all do? Do…

364 Other Days

People think they are making a big contribution by voting But don’t forget—a year has 364 other days: To come together face to face To get to know each other To name the problems that…

Before Class (Waking Up 101)

In the School of Revolutionary Mindfulness When students arrive early to class No I-Phones  are anywhere to be seen In the minutes before class begins Students and teacher are sitting Breathing calmly and smiling