Today’s One-Liner (#90)

The fight for the dignity of all human life—and ultimately for a world that is more just, more beautiful, and more loving—needs all of us. –Lila Rose, Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change…

Keenness and Intensity

On Monday 4 November, Katrina shared the following with our class, Saints, Mystics, and the Neighbor Next Door… Whenever I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep writing about love in…

Today’s One-Liner (#69)

“People ignore reality in favor of their bright ideas.” –Hannah Arendt to Karl Jaspers, 1965, quoted in Susie Linfield, The Lions’ Den: Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky

The Teachings

However little education a man may have, he cannot but know that Christ did not sanction murder, but taught kindness, meekness, forgiveness of injuries, love of one’s enemies—and therefore he cannot help seeing that on…

Thus Spoke a Chinese Dissident

There is no revolution like the Communist revolution. You simply burn all the books, kill all of the thinking people and use the poor proletariat to create a very simple benchmark to gauge social change….

“Words Words Words”

Indeed, the very use of the word “revolution” is suspect because every historical event that people want to invest with drama and importance is given the honorific title “revolution.”  –Avishai Margalit, Views in Review: Politics…

Kindred Spirits

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. But I try to work one day at a time. If we just worry about the big picture, we are powerless. So my secret is to start right away doing whatever…