On Daniel Berrigan

1. Some of Daniel Berrigan’s Whitmanian multitudes:  Brother, uncle, jailbird, correspondent, chef, Jesuit, retreat master, playwright poet, peacemaker, mentor,  reader, teacher, prophet, son, friend, logophile. 2. In our age they they talk about the importance…

Ninety Years Alive on Earth

On Thich Nhat Hanh, At Home in the World: Stories and Essential Teachings from a Monk’s Life.  Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press, 2016. Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is a survivor.  Narrowly missing death in…

The Good News of Opening, 4.9.2017

I asked Kine and Puck if they’d be willing to open their home on campus to host Share the Wealth with Marilyn Vazquez, and they agreed;  warm hospitality was also extended by tennis teammates Bekah…

The Good News of MLK, 4.4.2017

Fifty years ago today at NYC’s Riverside Church, Martin Luther King delivered a powerful, prophetic indictment of U.S. war-making in Vietnam: “They ask if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of violence to solve…

The Good News of a Play, 3.31.2017

Playwright, clown, musician, and mensch Colin McLaughlin has invited friends over this evening to do a collective reading of his new play, Jailbird, about Eugene Debs. Colin asked me to read Debs’ famous statement to…

The Good News of a Play, 3.31.2017

Playwright, clown, musician, and mensch Colin McLaughlin has invited friends over this evening to do a collective reading of his new play, Jailbird, about Eugene Debs. Colin asked me to read Debs’ famous statement to…

Breakdown Precedes Breakthrough

Graham earned enough to be under the taxable limit Because he didn’t want to pay for war He couldn’t say “No” when someone asked “Would you help us fight back?” He gave and gave and…