He Won’t Be Swayed

“And so I am practically compelled to follow that path, and I shall keep to it in spite of all the world.  It is useless for you to wear yourselves out trying to persuade me…

“Pure Distilled Evil”

Tablet‘s David Samuels has another illuminating interview, today with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. A brief excerpt- If you were saying, “My name is Bobby Kennedy, and I’m representing an organization called Riverkeeper, and we are…

The Rule Is Still Golden

Armies will only be diminished and abolished when people cease to trust governments, and themselves seek salvation from the miseries that oppress them, and seek that safety, not by the complicated and delicate combinations of…


I did not know the light and I thought there was no truth in life. But having become convinced that people could only live by this light, I began to seek its source and I…

Arundhati Roy on How MLK Is Remembered

Martin Luther King Jr. made the forbidden connections between Capitalism, Imperialism, Racism and the Vietnam War. As a result, after he was assassinated even his memory became toxic, a threat to public order. Foundations and…


The following is from an interview Mev did with Tereza Calvacanti in Brazil in 1990; it appeared in her 1994 book, The Struggle Is One: An important discovery is gratuity. That is, giving time and…

Then and Now

“Brothers, do not be afraid of men’s sin, love man also in his sin, for this likeness of God’s love is the height of love on earth. Love all of God’s creation, both the whole…