Today’s One-Liner (#90)
The fight for the dignity of all human life—and ultimately for a world that is more just, more beautiful, and more loving—needs all of us. –Lila Rose, Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change…
The fight for the dignity of all human life—and ultimately for a world that is more just, more beautiful, and more loving—needs all of us. –Lila Rose, Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change…
Don’t let the bastards grind you down. –Father Paul Mankowski, S.J., quoted in Karen Hall, The Sound of Silence: The Life and Canceling of a Heroic Jesuit Priest
I find absolutely no grounds for optimism, and I have every reason for hope. –Frank Sheed
The rules of the Kingdom of God are not at all utopian: if you want to put an end to mimetic rivalry, give way completely to your rival. –Rene Girard, Maxim #158, in All Desire…
Where there is hatred, let me sow love. –St. Francis of Assisi
On Monday 4 November, Katrina shared the following with our class, Saints, Mystics, and the Neighbor Next Door… Whenever I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep writing about love in…
Alina is studying with me at Maryville University in an Honors World Religion course. She has already made a significant impact in our class. She shared with me the following: “One day, I would love…
Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my lord Brother Sun, who brings the day; and you give light through him. –Saint Francis of Assisi, Canticle of the Sun, translated by Bill…
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway. –Mother Teresa
[T]oday it is not nearly enough to be a saint, but we must have the saintliness demanded by the present moment, a new saintliness, itself also without precedent.—Simone Weil, Waiting for God For [Dorothy] Day,…