An Observation

There is no conversion of those who live in scandalous wealth to the welfare of those who live in scandalous misery. –Jon Sobrino Quotation from Apostle of Peace: Essays in Honor of Daniel Berrigan Photos by Mev…

Faces/1 (A Letter from Prison)

“Dear Perry Thinking of you a lot these days Been reading the martyrs Here in my homey little cell (For a while I got solitary for asking disruptive questions) Wanted to send you this little…

Modern Crucifixion in Central America

Every day during the years of conflict in Central America, tortured bodies were found along roadsides—as in Jesus’ day the crucified victims of the Roman Empire were displayed on the side of the road—to instill…

Then and Now

Why had I never noticed the number of sick who appear in the Gospels? Who or what made them sick? Political oppression, legal degradation, economic plunder, and religious neutrality …. Extreme misery prevailed within this…

Compromismo, 1983

I came across this excerpt  from a 1983 statement  from Brazilian Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga in response to a request from the Salvadoran Human Rights Commission on behalf of Salvadoran refugee children. This statement reminds me of the commitment of…

The Work Is Never Done

Dear Abbie and Liz, Given your love for theology, I thought I’d share the following reflections on someone you should at least be acquainted with.  His name is Helder Camara, former archbishop of Recife, Brazil…

Books Can Be Subversive

Somoza’s  guards burned the 10,000 volumes of the Solentiname library –from Prophets in Combat: The Nicaraguan Journal of Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga [1986]