
Over the years I’ve bought a few copies of Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie But before I got to cracking it open for myself I would think of a young person…


“In my visits to the hospitals, I found it was in the simple matter of Personal Presence, and emanating ordinary cheer and magnetism, that I succeeded and help’d more than by medical nursing or delicacies,…

Querida Aryanna

At last After thousands of lectures Tens of thousands of test questions Innumerable essays, interviews, rotations You’re now an M.D. And in the first week of your residency!

Just This

Bella Levenshteyn I hope you are … Smiling (hourly) Singing (daily) Laughing (one hundred times a fortnight) PS    

Sick Of/2 by Katie Murphy

A few weeks ago, I reposted a writing practice–topic: Sick Of–by Katie Madges.  Katie Murphy commented that she’d write her riff on the same topic. And so, here it is… I’m sick of my boss I’m…

The Wedding—

with its three major conflicts brewing (“you’re on my side, aren’t you?”) and seven minor ones simmering (“he was a loser then, he’s even worse now”) the bride’s burning eyes (“there’s only one way to…