Prudence & Parrhesia

A library I once spent time in Is named in honor of Pope Pius XII He was nothing if not prudent And prudence is a virtue much of the time In 1948 When talking with…

There’s a Difference

Last night, twenty of us gathered to discuss Mev’s The Struggle is One: Voices and Visions of Liberation. People ranged in age from 20 to 65; some of us knew Mev personally, others had read…

Our Wars

On David Harris, Our War (Random House, 1996) Today there exist tremendous and unprecedented possibilities for knowing the reality of our world just as it is, with all that it has in it of anti-kingdom…

Deep Listening

“I’m sorry. We Americans have never taken responsibility for what we did.” –Lady Borton Lady Borton worked for the American Friends Service Committee in South Vietnam from 1969-1971. A decade later, she assisted Vietnamese boat…

The Struggle Is One

“In Portuguese, a luta, or in Spanish, la lucha, is the struggle for survival, the struggle to bring about the Reign of God: a piece of bread, a plot of land, a just wage, a…

Litany/2 (¡Presente!)

The following was near the end in the original version of The Book of Mev. Ignacio Ellacuría, engaged intellectual, credible witness, Fearless announcer of God’s Kingdom . . . ¡Presente! Ordinary eco-friendly folk, hallowers of…

364 Other Days

People think they are making a big contribution by voting But don’t forget—a year has 364 other days: To come together face to face To get to know each other To name the problems that…