The Endless Net

Ten years ago, I read Eliot Weinberger’s anthology, World Beat: International Poetry Now (New Directions, 2006). Looking back, I’m grateful, because that volume (re)introduced me to Israeli Aharon Shabtai, Iraqi Dunya Mikhail, and Chilean Nicanor…

On Daniel Berrigan

1. Some of Daniel Berrigan’s Whitmanian multitudes:  Brother, uncle, jailbird, correspondent, chef, Jesuit, retreat master, playwright poet, peacemaker, mentor,  reader, teacher, prophet, son, friend, logophile. 2. In our age they they talk about the importance…

Note to Cami on Reznikoff

I read Reznikoff in summer of 2010 As much as I could find Used, at Amazon By him, about him I like his spare style That was the year I was generating a piece a…

The Good News, 3.3.2017

The Good News is … In 2016 Lindsey Trout Hughes took three on-line writing classes with me, and—to her surprise and my delight— embraced her poetic vocation. She has graced me with  epic emails, and scintillating…

Poem of the Day: Bertolt Brecht

Those who take the meat from the table Teach contentment. Those for whom the taxes are destined Demand sacrifice. Those who eat their fill speak to the hungry Of wonderful times to come. Those who…

Hold It All/37

In the last thirty years of his life, [Jacob] Glatshteyn’s poetry became an incessant, internalized conversation on Jewish history, the lost world of European Jewry, the birth of Israel, assimilation in America, the tragic demise…

A Poem by Yael Diplacido-Eastman

A week after your death I’m on my hot pink bike Seeing every wooly caterpillar On its way across my path The trees above are leaning forward Lamenting with a dance of Falling leaves Their…

No Time for Literary Criticism

You are the voice of people with adhesive tape across their mouths This is no time for literary criticism. Nor for attacking the gorillas with surrealistic poems. And what use are metaphors if slavery is…

For Laura Lapinski

Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore, “Poem Written on a Book of Mathew Brady Photographs” Perhaps there’s something waiting in the moonlight to show its face I’m writing on an oversized book of Mathew Brady photographs pictures of…