Poem of the Morning

I came across this poem by Adrienne Rich, and thought of the work you two do at Queen of Peace. My heart is moved By all I cannot save So much has been destroyed. I…

Ancient Song by Li Po

Chuang-tzu dreams he’s a butterfly, And a butterfly becomes Chuang-tzu. All transformation this one body, Boundless occurrence goes on and on: It’s no surprise eastern seas become Western streams shallow and clear, Or the melon-grower…

“There’s Just a Meanness in This World”

On Charles Reznikoff, Testimony, v.2 The United States (1885-1915):  Recitative I can’t say I was tremendously impressed with this “broken-up prose” (wife Marie Syrkin’s label). Maybe it’s the dating—it’s way back in US history, and it’s hard…