
This morning, while writing a letter to one of my favorite poets (who lives in Brooklyn), it dawned on me that I want my next writing/reading class to be on the work and life of…

Exemplar of Epistolary Ecstasy

Bill Morgan, ed., The Letters of Allen Ginsberg “Recommending Hare Krishna to one and all” 375 It might have taken me 12 hours to read this book line by line, but it’s more important to…

God Is Hidden. Poetry Is Obvious.

On Adam Zagajewski, Another Beauty We find comfort only in Another beauty, in others’ Music, in the poetry of others. Salvation lies with others, Though solitude may taste like Opium. Other people aren’t hell If…

Make Lists Not War

Dear Cami, One index of a profitable reading experience may very well be in the marginalia we make. For instance, I read Ed Sanders’ collection of poetry Let’s Not Keep Fighting the Trojan War eight…