Keep Going

He used to say,“It is not your dutyTo complete the work, But neither are you freeTo desist from it…” –Rabbi Tarfon, Pirke Avot, 2.21

Tolstoy Summer

✓ A Confession and Other Religious Writings (Penguin) ✓ The Gospel in Brief: The Life of Jesus (Harper Perennial) ✓ Hadji Murat (translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky) ✓ The Kingdom of God Is within You…


Remembering Rosemary Radford Ruether, with whom I was in Palestine in spring 1990 and who supported my first book in 2001… She was one of the greats. She embodied sempre  avanti. She had a deep…

“Nhat Hanh Is My Brother”

Dear Friends, I invite you to a second “Merton Hour” to consider Thomas Merton’s short intervention on behalf of Thich Nhat Hanh in 1966. We will read together “Nhat Hanh Is My Brother,” discuss in…

The Art of Living: Munindra/2

Earlier this week, I shared some of Munindra’s teachings. Today, I want to pass on several observations of those who knew him and learned from him. He was like a scientist who had just made…

The Art of Living: Munindra/1

The following reflections by Bengali Buddhist Anagarika Munindra  come from the inspiring  book by Mirka Knaster, Living This Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra. Mostly you’re living in the world of thoughts.  11 I…

Inflaming the Soul

While  reading Stephen Clissold’s The Wisdom of the Spanish Mystics, I was most taken by the passages that spoke of love and detachment. Once again, thanks to New Directions for publishing this series decades ago….