Breathe, We Are Alive!

Concentration is Consecration. Eknath Easwaran In Thich Nhat Hanh’s 1993 revised edition of the Tiep Hien precepts, the 7th reads, in part, as follows: “Be in touch with what is wondrous, refreshing, and healing both…

Jesus Wept

While on his travels Jesus passed by a rotting skull He commanded it to speak The skull said “Spirit of God My name is Balwan ibn Hafs King of Yemen I lived a thousand years…

Share the Wealth with Chris Wallach

If you want to understand your mind, sit down and observe it. –Munindra, Bengali Buddhist At the end of March, Chris  Wallach spent a week on silent retreat at the Insight Meditation Society retreat center…

This Is It!

Think about arranging the present as best you can, with serene mind. All else is carried away as by a river…. While we are talking, jealous time has fled. So seize the day, and do…

Troublemakers (The Prophetic/2)

The major activity of the prophets was interference Remonstrating about wrongs inflicted on other people Meddling in affairs which were seemingly neither their concern Nor their responsibility A prudent woman is she who minds her…

Don’t Be Swayed

Dear Bella If you’ve practiced lojong previously Then you can practice lojong now This morning I woke up Thinking of you And one of my favorite slogans “Don’t be swayed by external circumstances” So simple!…