I Get by with a Little Help from My Friends
Morning Correspondence, Cafe Ventana, thanks to Katya Madges
Morning Correspondence, Cafe Ventana, thanks to Katya Madges
You can plan for five hundred years, but you don’t know what will happen in the next moment. –Neem Karoli Baba, quoted in Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush, Compassion in Action: Setting Out on the Path of…
Over poetry, you didn’t gush. You read it. You read it with the tongue. You lived it. You felt how it moved you, changed you. How it contributed to giving your own life a form,…
“Everything will be solved through the dharma.” Dipa Ma
When wayward thoughts are persistent I vow with all beings to imagine that even the Buddha had silly ideas sometimes. –Robert Aitken, The Dragon Who Never Sleeps:Verses for Zen Buddhist Practice
“Our social personality is a creation of the thoughts of other people.” –Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way “It’s very refreshing to shed the personality thrust on you by other people.” –Keith Johnstone, Impro
In the days ahead, everyone who loves this country enough to change it will have many opportunities both to reflect on and to practice the radical revolution in values that [Martin Luther] King projected and…
A long while back, I put Dr. Brett Schrewe in touch with soon to be Dr. Amy (Nuismer) Afanasevich. Brett had walked the Camino years ago, and Amy was soon headed there. Brett offered the…
1. A man came to Jesus and said, “Teacher of goodness, teach me something that you know and I do not, that benefits me and does you no harm.” Jesus asked, “What would that be?”…
Al-Hujwiri, the 11th Century Sufi Master, writes in his Kashf al-Mahjub: When Moses conversed with God, he asked, “Lord, where shall I seek You?” God answered, “Among the brokenhearted.” Moses continued, “But, Lord, no heart…