Ann Manganaro, Teka Childress, Ellen Rehg
We were just sitting there talking when Peter Maurin came in. We were just sitting there talking when lines of people began to form, saying, “We need bread.” We could not say, “Go, be…
We were just sitting there talking when Peter Maurin came in. We were just sitting there talking when lines of people began to form, saying, “We need bread.” We could not say, “Go, be…
Innumerable spheres enter one sphere. One sphere enters innumerable spheres. —Diamond Sutra
I learned Hebrew by dint of much effort. It is a difficult language, severe and ascetic. Its ancient basis is the proverb from the Mishna: “Silence is a fence for wisdom.”…If it weren’t for Hebrew,…
Friends, I wanted to pass this brief passage on to you from Hannah Arendt, German philosopher, Jewish immigrant to the USA, author of Eichmann in Jerusalem, from an interview in 1964… The venture into the…
Before we leave Sassov, let us take a minute to ask ourselves these last questions: Was Reb Moshe-Leib the forerunner of all those helpless men and women who, generations later, eternities later, continued to…
I continue in you You continue in me Maybe you will influence life In northwest China in 15 years Maybe I will influence life In southern Nigeria in 22 years We are the continuation of…
At this morning’s discussion of Thay’s The Art of Communicating, Madalyn spoke about how she notices more interconnections the more she practices mindfulness. This reminded me of the following reflection from W. H. Murray, which I’ve adapted: Until…
What did people see in [Sri Anandamayi] Ma that so captivated their hearts? They found a combination of the sweetness of maternal affection and the profound depths of a mystical knower of God. In this…
“I vow to bring joy to one person in the morning and to help relieve the suffering of one person in the afternoon.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh