A couple friends and I are reading books on Jesus this year. Our first is Thich Nhat Hanh’s Living Buddha, Living Christ. We may also read the Jewish Gnostic/literary scholar Harold Bloom, who has this…
A couple friends and I are reading books on Jesus this year. Our first is Thich Nhat Hanh’s Living Buddha, Living Christ. We may also read the Jewish Gnostic/literary scholar Harold Bloom, who has this…
There is no conversion of those who live in scandalous wealth to the welfare of those who live in scandalous misery. –Jon Sobrino Quotation from Apostle of Peace: Essays in Honor of Daniel Berrigan Photos by Mev…
“Dear Perry Thinking of you a lot these days Been reading the martyrs Here in my homey little cell (For a while I got solitary for asking disruptive questions) Wanted to send you this little…
Yammamoto Gempo Roshi used to say, “There is no murder worse than the killing of time.” He devoted an entire teisho to this topic, reading aloud from the crime section of the newspaper. So-and-so knifed…
This coming Sunday Lindsay Sihilling will offer a few stories and experiences flowing out of her pursuit of authentic spirituality. She’ll talk about how one night of babysitting for a Greek Orthodox family, a deep…
Bryan Melcher received a Mev Puleo Scholarship to study and work in Nicaragua this past summer. We met up this week at Café Ventana and he shared some of his stories. He mentioned he and…
Jeffrey Hopkins, the Dalai Lama’s translator for ten years, tells a story about traveling with him in the West. Wherever he went, His Holiness would repeat in English, “Everyone wants happiness, doesn’t want suffering.” He…
This morning at sangha at Sophia House, we distributed at random lojong slogan cards and reflected on ones we received. One of mine was #58, Don’t be frivolous,” which reminds me of the following recollection…
I believe it’s a thousand year project; I don’t think this thing is going to be finished in my lifetime or in anybody’s lifetime. I think we possibly can get something started that will open…
A world of images is offered by Christ — better, dramatized by him — images of waiting, listening, observing, debating, healing, conveying hope and humor, telling stories than end with a question lodged like a…