This Is It!

Think about arranging the present as best you can, with serene mind. All else is carried away as by a river…. While we are talking, jealous time has fled. So seize the day, and do…

Troublemakers (The Prophetic/2)

The major activity of the prophets was interference Remonstrating about wrongs inflicted on other people Meddling in affairs which were seemingly neither their concern Nor their responsibility A prudent woman is she who minds her…

Don’t Be Swayed

Dear Bella If you’ve practiced lojong previously Then you can practice lojong now This morning I woke up Thinking of you And one of my favorite slogans “Don’t be swayed by external circumstances” So simple!…

Episodes/1 (The Prophetic)

To us a single act of injustice (Cheating in business, exploitation of the poor) Is slight To the prophets A disaster To us injustice is injurious to the welfare of the people To the prophets…


Shunryu Suzuki  Roshi was the first person I ever met for whom I felt immediate and total trust. It was something which I had never expected to experience. Every sense, every brain cell and nerve…

Comfort and Consolation

What I saw then was this fairly obvious faculty of art: that it goes on, it lasts a bit longer that our frail human lives—it offers comfort. The vision is more enduring than our persons—it…

So What

Dear Srimatiji So what if David Harvey’s Marxist analysis is verified by each day’s dispiriting news? “Full effort is full victory.” So what if the interlocking system of oppressions appears stronger with each passing month?…