Karma Yoga, with a Shovel

We knew it was coming 6 to 10 inches Dread: The roads will be terrible! Exhilaration: No school! That morning he left his house Shovel in hand He approached one older neighbor With his usual…

Wang Yang-ming

Catch yourself thinking. –Allen Ginsberg The influential neo-Confucian philosopher Wang Yang-ming was influenced by Ch’an Buddhism throughout his life. And not just intellectually: He spent regularly time at Buddhist monasteries. So, it isn’t surprising to…

I Know the Richest Person on Earth

1. In our Intercultural Studies class today Mariah, Ta’mare, and Rachel read the following stanzas Of “Our True Heritage” by Thích Nhất Hạnh: The cosmos is filled with precious gems. I want to offer a…

Why Gandhi Was Cheerful

1. You spend all this time Preparing for the event, the party, the action Texts, Twitter Phone calls, Facebook Your excitement builds “This is gonna be great!” Instead of the huge number of people you…

Bhagavad Gita Reading Group/2

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Monday 11 March 2013 6:30 p.m. Meditation 20 m. Recitation Chapter 2, verses 55-71. Paired Discussion 15 m. Consider the following: What is the most relevant part of this chapter to…

Bhagavad Gita Reading Group/1

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Monday 25 February 2013 6312 W. Park Avenue 6:30 p.m. Meditation Downstairs 20 m. Paired Sharing Upstairs 20 m. Consider any of the following: What is your reaction to the chapter…


I regard people who come to me as part of my living body. You are my head, you are my right arm, you my left arm, and you are my right leg and you my…

A Deep Listening Break

During this morning’s sangha gathering, Chris invited us to do deep listening in pairs. In later sharing, something Cristina said sparked the following idea: Instead of meeting a friend for coffee, meet her for a…