After Last Night’s Bhagavad Gita Discussion
Daniel Berrigan once said to us About trying to lead a nonviolent life: “We do it because it’s the right thing to do Not because it’s going to get us anywhere” How deeply this cuts…
Daniel Berrigan once said to us About trying to lead a nonviolent life: “We do it because it’s the right thing to do Not because it’s going to get us anywhere” How deeply this cuts…
Why had I never noticed the number of sick people who appear in the Gospels? Who or what made them sick? It was not theologians who invented the cross, rather, the Roman Empire thought up…
I know I arouse your disbelief Because I do not text But there’s a simple reason That I still use a cell phone to call you The most important thing I have to share I…
In his book Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita Ram Dass writes “It’s always just one thought away The living spirit The community of our consciousness The guru within— Whatever you want to call it
We knew it was coming 6 to 10 inches Dread: The roads will be terrible! Exhilaration: No school! That morning he left his house Shovel in hand He approached one older neighbor With his usual…
Catch yourself thinking. –Allen Ginsberg The influential neo-Confucian philosopher Wang Yang-ming was influenced by Ch’an Buddhism throughout his life. And not just intellectually: He spent regularly time at Buddhist monasteries. So, it isn’t surprising to…
“If God accepts the sacrifice of my life, may my blood be a seed of freedom and a sign that hope will soon become a reality. A bishop will die, but the Church of God,…
1. In our Intercultural Studies class today Mariah, Ta’mare, and Rachel read the following stanzas Of “Our True Heritage” by Thích Nhất Hạnh: The cosmos is filled with precious gems. I want to offer a…
1. You spend all this time Preparing for the event, the party, the action Texts, Twitter Phone calls, Facebook Your excitement builds “This is gonna be great!” Instead of the huge number of people you…
In the last couple of years I’ve read whatever books I could get my hands on Whose subject is Sri Anandamayi Ma (Her parents gave her the name Nirmala Sundari Which means “One of Taintless…