Long Live Detachment

Those who follow the path of service renounce their selfish attachments, and work with the body, senses, and mind for the sake of self-purification. The man whose consciousness is unified abandons all attachment to the results of actions and attains supreme peace. But the man whose desires are fragmented, and who is selfishly attached to the results of his work, is bound in all he does. 

–Eknath Easwaran, The End of Sorrow:  The Bhagavad Gita for Daly Living, v. 1, verses 5.11-12.

Whoever works at his job in the full knowledge of selflessness is likely to perform his tasks perfectly, with the work being done for its own sake, and no thought spared for any personal advantage to be reaped. Moreover, to act selflessly is to act compassionately, and compassion is precisely what is embodied in the concept of Kuan Yin.

–John Blofeld, Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin, p. 125

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