Start Where We Are

Why exactly is sudden transformation according to a model impossible? The same question can be asked about individuals: why c­an’t someone just become what she admires? Disgusted with her life, Tolstoy’s Kitty, as we have seen, finds models in the philanthropic Madame Stahl and her ward Varenka, and winds up ­doing more harm than good. The reason, she recognizes, is that what is natu­ral for Varenka is for her “all pretense and not from the heart . . .  it was all a fake! A fake! A fake! (pritvorstvo).” At first Kitty petulantly resolves to stop helping others entirely—­“I’ll be bad, but anyway not a liar, a cheat”—­but she eventually comes to a wiser decision. Instead of changing every­thing at once, she ­will change one small habit at a time. Instead of becoming Varenka, she will become a better version of herself—­not by imposing a model but by beginning where she is.  

–Gary Saul Morson, Wonder Confronts Certainty: Russian Writers on the Timeless Questions  and Why Their Answers Matter

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