To Serve Suffering Humanity

Shekhar Ganguly, A Satyagrahi, a Revolutionary, a Communist People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1995 I recently read Arundhati Roy’s moving essay, “Walking with the Comrades,” detailing her solidarity with the indigenous Maoists of India back…


1. The factory inspectors had to confront the problem of how the working day might be defined in practice. At what times should laborers get to work? Is the start-up time inside the factory or…

Minutes, from the Vietnamese

Every minute you practice will build and strengthen this energy in you. —Thích Nhất Hạnh One minute of life is one minute to serve the revolution. —Đặng Thùy Trâm

Hold It All

Hold it all The sun blasting away and the clouds offering respite June 1968 and July 1988 The nights I used to work at the Bristol Bar and Grill and the mornings Sara Wall worked…