In Medias Res/2

This Is What I Can Do When it comes to righteous indignation Reshma makes Arundhati Roy seem timid At a public reading of The Book of Mev I made sure she went last and read…

Another Class Is Finished

Appreciation is the sacrament. —Allen Ginsberg Another class is finished…the autumn one entitled “Facing the Future: Resources for a Rebirth of Wonder” “Rebirth of wonder” comes from lines in a Lawrence Ferlinghetti poem— “I am…

Community: The Structure of Belonging

Jean Durel, Jim and J’Ann Allen will share their perspectives and lead a discussion on Peter Block’s book, Community: The Structure of Belonging at the Allens’ home on 4519 Oakland Avenue in the Forest Park…

I Heard

I heard that Lenka is the best correspondent in the Western hemisphere, the kind whom you want to reread twenty times. I heard someone give a phenomenological analysis of a 25 year-old evangelical Marxist’s zeal….