Today’s One-Liner (#25)

It is a good idea, then, to keep in touch, and I suppose that keeping in touch is what notebooks are all about. –Joan Didion, “On Keeping a Notebook,” in Slouching towards Bethlehem  Sao Paulo,…

Andrew & Joan

Andrew Ivers continues to guide me when it comes to the delights of the Western Canon. Last week I asked him where I should start with Joan Didion and without hesitation he suggested Slouching towards…

Making and Taking Notes

When anything of interest happens within or around me  I make a mental note to tell you about it, and it is this habit of thinking of things in connection with you that gives them…

Dear Isabel (Letter/9)

Monday 29 June 2015 Dear Isabel Glad you had friends visiting over the weekend and that you now have a little more space for your daily practices and chill time/spaces. Page 11, paragraph 1 Don…