Today’s One-Liner (#98)

Consider yourself fortunate if, in the midst of such a whirlwind, you possess a guiding intelligence within yourself. –Marcus Aurelius, in Pierre Hadot, The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Don’t Wait till Later

The Stoics would always say, one must think death is imminent, but it was less to prepare for death than it was to discover the seriousness of life. Marcus Aurelius, for example, as a Stoic,…

This Is It !

My friend who is a Buddhist said once after coming out of a meditation retreat, “The colors were so much more vibrant afterward.” Her meditation teacher said, “When you are present, the world is truly…

True Happiness Is a Verb

Monday 28 December 2020 Dear C, Having written you yesterday about Annie Liebovits and Susan Sontag, I want to mention today that I took the phrase “Wisdom Project” from Sontag in her collection,  At the…