
The following is from an interview Mev did with Tereza Calvacanti in Brazil in 1990; it appeared in her 1994 book, The Struggle Is One: An important discovery is gratuity. That is, giving time and…

Remembering Mev

Last week anticipating giving a talk on Mev at her alma mater Visitation Academy, I inquired on Facebook if anyone from her Viz days had recollections about her. Stephanie Ortbals-Tibbs offered the following… I still…

What Rubem Said to Maria Evelina

Yes, Raquel’s birth was a purifying experience in that it empowered me to say, “this is important,” and the rest becomes blurred.  Her birth re-integrated things in my life. For example, when she was born…

January 12, 1996

The first week of January was bright and bitterly cold. Pat Geier and Cristobhal, our friend from Guatemala, had spent Christmas and New Year’s with us and had already left for Louisville, but she was…

Being Together

Sheri Hostetler’s ReflectionGraduate Theological Union Memorial Service, March 1996 Mark has asked me to speak on his behalf today since I am a close friend of his and since I was one of the few…

How It Was

Michele Turner has collected personal testimonies by the East Timorese about their recent history of suffering and resistance.  Telling East Timor reminds me of Mev’s book of interviews with Brazilians, in that these, too, are…

The Teachings Are Infinite…

I vow to learn them all.–from Bodhisattva Vows “You Are That Person” A student asked Soen NakagawaDuring a meditation retreat: “I am very discouraged. What should I do?”Soen replied, “Encourage others.” At the beginning of…