Tao of Writing

“When you accept writing as what you are supposed to do, after you’ve tried everything else–marriage, hippiedom, traveling, living in Minnesota or New York, teaching, spiritual practices–there’s finally no place to go.” –Natalie Goldberg, Writing…

Composing “HOWL”

Here’s Allen Ginsberg talking about the process of writing HOWL, which is reminiscent of Natalie Goldberg’s project in Writing down the Bones, to free the writer within: I thought I wouldn’t write a poem but…

Writing To Wake Up Course

Writing to Wake Up: A Course in Creativity and Community Think about it: Even with all our technologies and modes of communication, who has enough time?  And yet, we need time, as community activist Grace…

Writing at the CWE BC

Our Writing to Wake Up class is meeting next Thursday 19 April  to hold our weekly session at the Saint Louis Bread Company at 4561 Forest Park Avenue in the Central West End. We go…

Joyfully Together

One of the recommendations I have given some of my students who want to move in the direction of a deeper commitment to social justice after university studies is:  Find and nurture a community. Without other…