Today’s One-Liner (#94)

Things that give you pleasure—When someone you don’t like meets with some misfortune, you’re pleased even though you know this is wicked of you.  –Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book, translated by Meredith McKinney

What Can You Say about Sei?

[She was] a complicated, intelligent, well-informed woman who was quick, impatient, keenly observant of detail, high-spirited, witty, emulative, sensitive to the charms and beauties of the world and to the pathos of things, yet intolerant…

Forgetting the Sufi Three-Gate Rule

Awkward and Embarrassing Things You happen to say something rude about someone, and a child who overhears it repeats your words in front of the person concerned.— Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book, translated by Meredith McKinney…

The Wonderful Sei Shōnagon

No one had sharper ears than the Minister of the Treasury. He truly could have heard the fall of a mosquito’s eyelash.  The mountain dove is a very pure-hearted and touching bird—they say it can…

Notice What You Notice

Primo Levi:  I never stopped recording the world and people around me, so much that I still have an unbelievably detailed image of them. I had an intense wish to understand, I was constantly pervaded…

The Good News, 3.8.2017

I once asked Mayuko and Minami (both in my fall 8 a.m. MWF Humanities class) if they had heard of Sei Shōnagon (清少納言). Of course they had!  They had read her years ago in school. …