I ask that you urge VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to obey Public Law 110-387 and provide “comprehensive health care” to the several hundred children of Vietnam vets having birth defects connected to their parents exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Petition Background
In 2008 Congress has passed legislation (PUBLIC LAW 110-387) to provide comprehensive health care for the birth defect A/O children of Vietnam combat vets exposed to Agent Orange. But, the VA uses endless foot dragging to keep from implementing that law. Tell VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to follow the law, and relieve the suffering of the A/O birth defect children of Vietnam vets.
I was just reading on another site about the birth defect in children of veterans that are still being discovered. It really is some tragic news for those who has suffered the most. I really hope it helps shape the decisions those in power make for our future