Dr Chmiel,
I just flipped on CNN after getting home from rehearsal and immediately thought of our encounter on New Year’s Eve as I watched a saddening report on Gaza.
My immediate reaction was desolation and helplessness– so often my response these days as I watch the news.
But then I became happier when I remembered I had good news to share with you that I neglected to mention the other day. My apologies for my forgetfulness– my mind was already on the show I was rushing off to perform in.
But anyway. This holiday, while riding around in the tour van between shows, I was able to start and complete THE BOOK OF MEV. I was so engrossed that I finished the last 100 pages of the book by the feeble blue light of my open cell phone late at night on the road. (It couldn’t wait until I got home, evidently, although I paid for it the next day with an eye strain headache. Haha.)
Social Justice as a course truly changed my entire perspective on life, and THE BOOK OF MEV only solidified my new perspectives into the deepest corners of my heart.
I am extremely grateful to you.
I have not yet processed my thoughts well enough to articulate an intelligible response to your book, but it is coming, and when I have come up with them, I will be sure to share them with you.
Thank you for sharing your words and your heart with your students and your readers.
This is a message from Katie Consumaus, who took my Social Justice course in spring 2008. Katie graduated from SLU in 2008 (BA, Theatre/French) and the University of Iowa in 2012 (MFA, Theatre Arts & Acting). She now lives in New York City.
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