“Really living like Christ will not mean reward, social recognition and an assured income, but difficulties, discrimination, solitude, anxiety. Here, too, the basic experience of the cross applies: the wider we open our hearts to others, the more audibly we intervene against the injustice that rules over us, the more difficult our lives in the rich unjust society will become.”
–Dorothee Sölle, Germany
“In the university, the essential character of the society comes across: no matter what the students are told to read, the values of the world outside those college gates constantly intrude.”
–Daniel Berrigan, U.S.A.
“Marx did not invent class struggle—much less did we. It’s out there. And any true pastoral activity will be conflictive as is the gospel itself. To opt for the poor of the earth means opting in a saving manner ‘against’ the rich of this world.”
–Pedro Casaldáliga, Brazil