At a teach-in on Israel’s blockage on Gaza
Henry introduced me to Sylvia
She was very involved in the growing Liberate Gaza movement
She came from an unusually committed family
The way some people are obsessed with sports
The mother was obsessed a hundred times more with injustice
As a playwright
As a CP member
As an animator
As an instigator
14 hour days were typical
For this woman who had pushed herself hard her whole life long
Noticing the awed expression on my face
As Henry was telling me about her eighty-year-old mother
Sylvia mentioned that her mother regularly badgers her:
“So, why are you taking you so long to go back to Gaza?”
On another occasion she told her mother
She was going out dancing with some friends
Her mother glared at her and asked:
“You want to go dance while Gaza is being strangled?”