For years I read him to get a bearing
On the atrocities the U.S. enabled in Central America
I wrote my Master’s thesis on him
On Israel/Palestine and liberation theology
When I met him at his office
He patiently answered all my questions
In Berkeley he spoke at the theological consortium
And had dinner with the Catholic Workers
He sent his condolences
After he heard Mev had died
I corresponded with him over the years
Once he replied with a six-page, single-spaced letter
I was one of thousands of nobodies who wrote him
He took the time to answer us
A student wanted to bring him to campus
I said, “Email him”
“Email him?”
So he did
The next day he heard back
My friend, a Reform rabbi, once said
“Chomsky’s my rebbe”
I was one of thousands of nobodies who wrote him
He took the time to answer us. /you.