Friday 9 September 2022

… Later I’m back in New York sitting around with Irwin and Simon and Raphael and Lazarus, and now we’re famous writers more or less, but they wonder why I’m so sunk now, so unexcited…

Sempre Avanti

Dear CaterinaWhat I want— To mediate with you for 60 minutesAnd not a peep from me Our eyes closed I’ll silently chantA mantra to you, for you Quelle surprise … I missed youAnd often did…

Share the Wealth: Writing with Yael

#1Last Night’s Email from Jessica Flier I write, becauseFirst and foremost, I must!But also – because,Of you.To take the broken heart and expose itbring the carefully concealed underbelly to the surfaceresisting the urge to hide…

Andrew Wimmer

Advocate of Whitmanian adhesiveness,  instigator of Stop Torture Now,  critic of power and its minions, exemplar of generosity and hospitality par excellence, Andrew Wimmer has enriched and expanded my life for 25 years. You’ll come…

With Gratitude for Harold Bloom

In 1994 I purchased Harold Bloom’s The Western Canon after I had taken a leave of absence from my doctoral program in Religion and Society at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.   Bloom  offered…


Our dear Friend Laura was on Twitter today and found the following about Joanie from Missouri State Athletics– Joanie French did her part in establishing MSU’s women’s athletic programs in the 1970’s! She was a…