Our Cup Runneth Over

Sunday night 8 May 2022 Dear Mona, I thought I was done sending you poetry after that April Poetry Month binge.  But I can’t resist!  The following is from Robert Di Yanni’s book, You Are…

So, Which Is It?

My friend Andrew Wimmer texted me the following two lines… [Paul] Street’s dementia: “the Kremlin [is] in the grip of a megalomaniacal neofascist…” Stephen F. Cohen on accusations of fascism leveled against Putin: “absurd.” Street…

“Nhat Hanh Is My Brother”

Dear Friends, I invite you to a second “Merton Hour” to consider Thomas Merton’s short intervention on behalf of Thich Nhat Hanh in 1966. We will read together “Nhat Hanh Is My Brother,” discuss in…

Anne, Allen, You, Me

National Poetry Month This Day of April 21, 2022Today’s poem: Anne Waldman, Notes on Sitting Beside a Noble Corpse Where would I be without Anne Waldman and Allen Ginsberg? In my own Shimmelstoy way, I…

Brecht 101 (NPM, 4.15.22)

Dear Ruthie, Have you ever read Brecht? He was one of my influences —I stole a couple of lines from “A Worker Reads History” and used them at the end of “A Mindful Rant for…