An Evening with Danielle Mackey

We invite you to join us in welcoming Danielle Mackey back to St. Louis! An alum of the Casa de la Solidaridad program and Saint Louis University (2008), Danielle has worked in El Salvador with…

American Classics: Emma Goldman

Dear Friends, This month for our American Classics Reading Circle, we will explore Emma Goldman’s essay “Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty.” It is available on-line here. We meet on Wednesday 23 May and begin with…

I Remember by Nima

Nima, one of my former students, took a “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” class with me and one evening we explored the theme of memory. Now a fourth-year medical student, Nima wrote this recollection of…

For Amal and Amal

The enemy is all about erasure Tactics: derision and denial Insults and salt in the wounds When you’re a student of history It’s no surprise— That’s what the powerful do So tell them over and…

Word of the Day: Apokatastasis

Allen Ginsberg: …The conditions of revolution in late twentieth century are conditions unforeseen by any other civilization. We are going to the moon, we have drugs that go to the moon inside, we’ve recovered the…

Crosses, Values, Options

1. “Really living like Christ will not mean reward, social recognition and an assured income, but difficulties, discrimination, solitude, anxiety.  Here, too, the basic experience of the cross applies:  the wider we open our hearts…

People Power, Then and Now

1. To advocate human conversation as the means to restore hope to the future is as simple as I can get. But I’ve seen that there is no more powerful way to initiate significant change…