
Over the years I’ve bought a few copies of Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie But before I got to cracking it open for myself I would think of a young person…

Take Your Pick/1

1. Rail against capitalism as you will, but recognize that since we are stuck with it, the test now is to make it work for the largest number of people. –William Schulz, executive director of…

Manifest Destiny

1. And that claim [to Oregon] is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great…


1. [This book’s] style and method—the interplay of text and photos, the mixture of genres, modes, styles—do not tell a consecutive story, nor do they constitute a political essay. Since the main features of our…

From Guatemala to Gaza

1. It was Ash Wednesday 1983.  In a darkened sanctuary with some lighted candles, an unfamiliar Catholic priest and several other people entered the sanctuary and sat in the front row.  The people wearing bandanas…

The Same Fate as the Palestinians

1. Archbishop Oscar Romero once stated, “Christ invites us not to fear persecution. Believe me, brothers and sisters, Anyone committed to the poor Must suffer the same fate as the poor. And in El Salvador…

Two Faces of Elie Wiesel

1. “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy,…

On Nervousness and Gnats

1. pros•e•cute (pròs¹î-ky¡t´) verb pros•e•cut•ed, pros•e•cut•ing, pros•e•cutes verb, transitive 1. Law. a. To initiate civil or criminal court action against. b. To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action. 2.a. To pursue (an undertaking,…