Palestinian Identity

Sharifa, Apropos of our conversation today, here begins the opening paragraph (and after) of chapter 1 of Rashid Khalidi’s Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness… The quintessential Palestinian experience, which  illustrates some of…

Annie Boyd: Walking with the Salvadorans

In class we are currently reading Like Grains of Wheat: A Spirituality of Solidarity by Marie Dennis and Margaret Swedish. The authors interview scores of North Americans who had their eyes opened by their relationships with Central…

Elstir’s Point of View

Lubna, If you lived here (or I there), we could have a bi-weekly Proust Reading Club! The following passage is from Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove: It was along this train of thought, meditated in silence…


O Maestra! O Lovely Miranda in Forest Park! O 6 North Coffee habituée and conversationalist! “The path does not exist. The path, you make by treading on it. By walking, you make the path.” O…

I Was Dreaming about Your Future

for Megan Heeney I was dreaming about your future: Later twenties, Manhattan, Union Theological Seminary, “What’s a nice Catholic senorita like you doing in a place like this?” It’s back to the books, But with…

Dear Shannon (On Ralph Nader)

Dear Shannon, I enjoyed our long conversation on Saturday afternoon at 6 North Coffee. I appreciate you taking the time to visit on such a busy weekend. After our chats, the strong impression I am left with…

By the Blue Light of a Cell Phone

Dr Chmiel, I just flipped on CNN after getting home from rehearsal and immediately thought of our encounter on New Year’s Eve as I watched a saddening report on Gaza. My immediate reaction was desolation…

Email from Cameroon

Dr. C, Hello! Hope this email finds you well. Classes must be well on its way and I am sure you are enlightening many other students like myself as we speak. I’ve wanted to write…