
I am connected to Lindsay We are really into our notebooks I am connected to Sarah When she was my 18 year-old student I was her 39 year-old prof I am connected to Jane We’re…


Dear Cristina It’s not that I wish you The affliction of Fame But after seeing Remi Kanazi last night I thought of you Going on the road Doing SPOKEN WORD DHARMA Before small groups and…

Improv #4

Improv Wisdom Writing Class Thursday 13 March 2014 Class #4 Reflections 1. How to lovely to think that no one need wait a minute; we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that…

One Thought after Another

Did K’s friend commit suicide in California? Were Courtney and Lindsay just now talking about Colleen? (You eavesdropper!) Will someone read aloud tonight and pop the balloon? Am I going to write another anaphoral litany?…