White Gods by Zenique Gardner

Zenique was in the summer Writing Rejuvenation class, and she contributed to our rejuvenation in several ways.  She gave me permission to share the following.   I was in Africa for less than a week when I encountered their…

This Is It/493

Lindsay Sihilling shared this with me this morning, and I am happy to pass it on… This is your conscience, artists and writers. You know that your conscience has tried in every possible subtle way…

Books I’ve Given to Others

I wrote this for a former student in late 2010, who wanted a list of recommended titles. I decided to give her a list of books I saw fit, for one reason or another, to…

Home by Rob Trousdale

i knew the weekend was going to be trouble too many white folks too many Acura MDXs too many of my fiancee’s friends too many J.Crew swim trunks too many Ralph Lauren dinner jackets too…