Dear Isabel (Letter/9)
Monday 29 June 2015 Dear Isabel Glad you had friends visiting over the weekend and that you now have a little more space for your daily practices and chill time/spaces. Page 11, paragraph 1 Don…
Monday 29 June 2015 Dear Isabel Glad you had friends visiting over the weekend and that you now have a little more space for your daily practices and chill time/spaces. Page 11, paragraph 1 Don…
Sunday 28 June 2015 Pages 9-10 Dear Isabel You can feel free to cal me all the Spanish swear words you know, but I think—get ready to attack—you are way too hard on yourself. I’m referring…
Friday 26 June 2015 Dear Isabel Happy Friday, you’ve finished one week at the new job. Page 8, top paragraph I take back what I said yesterday about boycotting the word “solidarity.” That first sentence…
Thursday 25 June 2015 Dear Isabel And so I continue…. Page 6, paragraph 1 The needs you mention here (arising from your journalistic writing in a specific place) aren’t peculiar or idiosyncratic—all humans have the…
I think Karl Marx would be a fan of sociology for the masses: no theorists, no jargon, no advanced education needed. So, there will be no name-dropping (outside of Marx, of course), no academic discussion,…
Wednesday 24 June 2015 Dear Isabel Page 5 Ah, claridad in El Salvador, because it is (seems?) so black and white. Your description of what living there, amidst violence, gives you is powerful; e.g., “vulnerability is…
Tuesday 23 June 2015 Dear Isabel Page 4, line 3 Have you, with all your white privilege, ever led the space of non-whites? Did you simply choose journalism because it made you feel special and…
Monday 22 June 2015 Dear Isbaelita Page 3 This page inspires me to offer you the following writing topics to add to your comprehensive list, unless you’ve already exhausted each of them by writing at…
on the road late summer afternoon surrounded by eroded hills, shadowed badlands, thin stalked grasses and rocks on a slight rise of the land Nebraska or Wyoming, just could be about anywhere this side of…
I want to give myself to everyone in this class (But what if they’ve had enough of your tie-dyed mind?) I want to give myself to Lindsay (Who welcomes my odd perspectives on Jesus) Express…