
While Cafe Ventana was having its Tenacious Trivia Night, our Latin America Reading Group was discussing “I, Rigoberta Menchu” and life in Guatemala — what insight, connections, and sharing with Fatima Rhodes, Cindy (who’s from…


I received this email today from Marty King… I have pulled out my precious copy of The Struggle Is One, a present from Mev, inscribed to us. I cannot put it down, and am reminded…

To a Friend in Africa

Opening your heart is like opening the door You don’t just have to fling it open every hour of the day That would be exhausting There’s a time to crack the door a little Take…


“Listen, listen This wonderful sound Brings me back to my true self.”   You say you wish you could hear my bell You are 5633 miles away from me I am 5633 miles away from…