For Lindsay

After the evening sharing on “coming alive” You told me with a tear You want to be at a monastery You want to be silent for days The Sufis say don’t speak unless you can…

Coming Alive

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Rev. Howard Thurman To live…


While Cafe Ventana was having its Tenacious Trivia Night, our Latin America Reading Group was discussing “I, Rigoberta Menchu” and life in Guatemala — what insight, connections, and sharing with Fatima Rhodes, Cindy (who’s from…


I received this email today from Marty King… I have pulled out my precious copy of The Struggle Is One, a present from Mev, inscribed to us. I cannot put it down, and am reminded…

To a Friend in Africa

Opening your heart is like opening the door You don’t just have to fling it open every hour of the day That would be exhausting There’s a time to crack the door a little Take…