
I received this post from actor, visionary, disturber of the peace, and forever maestra, Miss Magan Wiles. Professor Friend – I am excited to read your play/book/literary experience. I want to read it all in one…


“In my visits to the hospitals, I found it was in the simple matter of Personal Presence, and emanating ordinary cheer and magnetism, that I succeeded and help’d more than by medical nursing or delicacies,…

Querida Aryanna

At last After thousands of lectures Tens of thousands of test questions Innumerable essays, interviews, rotations You’re now an M.D. And in the first week of your residency!

An Evening with Elizabeth Driscoll

Join us for a potluck dinner and discussion with Elizabeth Driscoll, SLU alum, Karen House Catholic Worker, Intercambio animator and Master’s student in Contemplative Psychotherapy at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Elizabeth will share reflections…