Sick Of/2 by Katie Murphy

A few weeks ago, I reposted a writing practice–topic: Sick Of–by Katie Madges.  Katie Murphy commented that she’d write her riff on the same topic. And so, here it is… I’m sick of my boss I’m…

An Evening with Danielle Mackey

We invite you to join us in welcoming Danielle Mackey back to St. Louis! An alum of the Casa de la Solidaridad program and Saint Louis University (2008), Danielle has worked in El Salvador with…

Be in Love with Yr Chilean Life

Mary Shannon studied with me last year when she was a freshman at SLU.  This year she has been in Chile in a program Katie Schlechter and Cheryl Sullivan  experienced a while back.  Mary just …

If This Is It, Then What Is It?

Three writing topics proposed by Sara Rendell: 1. If this is it, then what is it? 2. Dear Internal Critic, You Have 15 Minutes before I Ignore You 3. Something that surprised me today “If…

I Remember by Nima

Nima, one of my former students, took a “Writing as a Spiritual Practice” class with me and one evening we explored the theme of memory. Now a fourth-year medical student, Nima wrote this recollection of…

For Amal and Amal

The enemy is all about erasure Tactics: derision and denial Insults and salt in the wounds When you’re a student of history It’s no surprise— That’s what the powerful do So tell them over and…

Sealing the Deal

Long ago, I did a reading and signing of The Book of Mev at Left Bank Books in the Central West End. I asked one of my former students, Magan Wiles, to read the very…